About Clair
Welcome! I am so glad you are here.
I’m Clair Smith, owner of Sage and Cedar. In 2011, I graduated from massage school. I spent the next couple of years utilizing my bodywork skills in chiropractic and health offices. In 2014, I had my first daughter and my whole professional viewpoint pivoted. I started my own business and within a couple of years, I was focusing predominantly on prenatal massage with my clients. Since then, I have expanded my practice to encompass postpartum massage, pediatric massage, birth doula work, and herbal and aromatherapy work.
I work on all kinds of bodies! Whether they have grown babies, hope to grow babies, or are experiencing abdominal ailments. Recovering from trauma? Trying to become comfortable with the skin you live in? Working on strengthening or relaxing your core and pelvic floor? There are so many tools we can use! Consultations are free so if you’re ready, let’s set up a time to chat.
Send me a message! Let’s get to know one another better and see how I can help you feel empowered about your health!
— Clair Smith, Owner of Sage & Cedar

Some places where I have gleaned learning:
Global College of Natural Medicine
Northwest Health Careers
The Institute of Somatic Therapy
Birthing From Within