After you have a baby, you will likely receive an influx of people wanting to visit, meet baby and help out around the house. For many of us, delegating household tasks to well meaning visitors can be a challenge. This leaves new parents schlepping the trash out, or folding laundry while visitors snuggle the newest family member. This printable is designed to be placed on your refrigerator, front door or even on social media. This makes is easy for visitors to determine how they can be most helpful! That way, when they do get those baby snuggles, you can sneak away for a shower or nap!

The printable starts with a fun introduction to baby including name, birth date and other details. I also find it helpful to remind visitors to wash their hands and to not kiss baby’s face and hands. These are good ways to spread germs; so the printable has a little note about this. There is then a section you can fill out that includes meals the family enjoys, chores you need help with and a place for notes.